On behalf of the Galena School District, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your support in approving the high school referendum. The election results show that voters have approved the Galena High School referendum 1352 votes (65.09%) to 721 votes (34.91%). Thank you for trusting our school district and for taking the time to participate in the March 19 election. The voter turnout nearly doubled the percentage of the county and the primaries across the state.

We understand that this decision was not made lightly, and we are humbled by the overwhelming support that we have received from the Galena community. Your generosity and commitment to our schools have demonstrated your understanding of the importance of education and the future of Galena High School.

The purpose of this page is to provide updates on the project, including timelines for completion and phasing as the project continues.

Bidding Information

Please find below a link to the Straka Johnson Architects, P.C. digital plan room where the Galena High School Additions and Renovations project bid documents may be found. L&L Builders, Inc. has partnered with the district as the Construction Manager for this project. We will be hosting a pre-bid meeting on Monday January 20th, 2025 at 1:00PM at the Galena High School in the High School Library.

 Straka Johnson Architects Online Planroom

 We are requesting that all bid documents be pulled from the digital plan room link above, so that you are notified of all addendum and future documents that are posted for this project.

 Bids will be due at 3:00 PM on Thursday February 6th, 2025. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud following the bid deadline.

 The intent is for the project to be bid out in several different bid packages, please reference the construction manual for these bid packages along with their associated scope of work bid supplements for a breakdown of the bid packages. The Owner will enter into a contract directly with each of the apparent low responsible bidders upon the Galena School Board’s approval on February 18th, 2025.

 Any questions, comments, or clarification requests that you may have on the project, please make sure to send them via e-mail to In order to ensure your e-mail is not missed, please include “Galena High School – Additions and Renovations” in the subject line.

What will be done?

What will be renovated? The project consists of a classroom addition between the current GHS site and new GEMS site, as well as security upgrades for the building with infrastructure improvements. The 1957 original high school portion will be deconstructed for the updated gymnasium and the 1960s area known as Senior Hall (classrooms facing the football field) will be renovated.

What is the cost of this renovation? The total cost of the renovation and construction is expected to be $31 million, and $14.2 million was secured by the referendum in March 2024. The district reserves will be used for $14.2 million of the project, and the district has been awarded Federal grants and rebate incentives of $2.5 million.

The annual estimated tax impact per $100,000 "fair cash value" on your most recent property tax bill would be approximately $90 per year for 20 years.

Why is the project needed? Improvements are needed to our high school to install a secure entry and ensure the safety of students inside and outside the building.

1957 original plumbing, water, mechanical, and electrical infrastructure needs to be replaced and updated.

Energy-efficient systems and introduction of air conditioning will enhance student learning.

Why is this project good for the taxpayer?

This project was chosen because of cost and responsibility to the taxpayers. The hybrid of renovation and new construction allows for cost efficiency by renovating what is worth saving and new construction in places it would cost more to renovate.

Operational and highly energy-efficient systems will save taxpayer funds moving forward. Materials used will be durable and maintainable, and they will ensure long term service to the district.

What is the timeline?

The construction timeline is a button on the right side of the page. Below is a tentative snapshot of major events:

  • December 17, 2024: Board approval of construction documents

  • January 14th, 2025: Construction bids released to public

  • February 6th, 2025: Public bid opening

  • February 18th, 2025: Board approves bids

  • March 2025: Demolition of gym and band room

  • April 2025-May 2026: HEAVY construction on classroom spaces ready for 26-27 school year.

  • May 2026-June 2027: Demolition of original GHS, construction of east parking lot, site work.

  • August 2027: Ribbon Cutting & Open House